Collection: Augenpflege

Product type
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Illuminating Pearl Eye Care
Illuminating Pearl Eye Care
Illuminating Pearl Eye Care
Unit price €2.066,67  per  l
Caviar & Gold Eye Care
Caviar & Gold Eye Care
Caviar & Gold Eye Care
Unit price €3.133,33  per  l
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Kissed By A Rose Eye Care
Kissed By A Rose Eye Care
Kissed By A Rose Eye Care
Unit price €2.200,00  per  l
Aqua Benefits Eye Care
Aqua Benefits Eye Care
Aqua Benefits Eye Care
Unit price €1.900,00  per  l

Die Augenpartie ist dünner und empfindlicher als andere Hautpartien deines Gesichts. Dadurch ist sie anfälliger für erste Anzeichen von Hautalterung, äußere Einflüsse und Müdigkeit. Mit der richtigen Augenpflege kannst du diesen Zeichen vorbeugen und deiner Haut helfen, gesund und strahlend zu bleiben. Unsere Augenpflegeprodukte bieten für jedes Bedürfnis die richtige Lösung. Egal, ob du erste Fältchen glätten, dunkle Schatten reduzieren oder einfach nur für ausreichend Feuchtigkeit sorgen möchtest – hier findest du die Pflege, die perfekt zu dir passt.

Our Topseller

Aqua Clear Skin Spot off Anti-Blemish Stick
Aqua Clear Skin Spot off Anti-Blemish Stick
Aqua Clear Skin Spot off Anti-Blemish Stick
Unit price €3.700,00  per  l
Sold out
Cleansing Foam
Cleansing Foam
Cleansing Foam
Unit price €175,00  per  l
Baden-Baden Thermal Spray
Baden-Baden Thermal Spray
Baden-Baden Thermal Spray
Unit price €78,00  per  l
Deep Moist Depot 2-Phase Moisture Concentrate
Deep Moist Depot 2-Phase Moisture Concentrate
Deep Moist Depot 2-Phase Moisture Concentrate
Unit price €770,00  per  l
Beauty Elixir Active Lifting Serum
Beauty Elixir Active Lifting Serum
Beauty Elixir Active Lifting Serum
Unit price €1.533,33  per  l


The beauty of our skin begins with daily cleasing. It provides an important basis upon which makes the skin optimally receptive to the absorption of valueable care products. With the CLEANSING products, savor the multitude of textures of pure freshness, and enjoy a unique cleansing experience.


The elixirs ideally tailored to our skincare requirements can be combined freely to perfect the skin’s appearance.


Sheet masks are absolutely trendy – no wonder! They are practical and easy to use and unfold a quick effect. These beauty boosters imparting a fresh and vital look of skin in a jiffy and can be used for a short break from the stressful everyday routine. It is quite difficult sometimes to take time for oneself and to escape from everyday life.


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